We offer a 14-day refund policy. You may request a refund for up to 14 days after you begin the course.
To be eligible for a refund, you must submit your request to [email protected] along with supporting materials listed below before 11:59pm Pacific US Time on the 14th day after you sign up for the course. I will also check to see that you have watched the available course videos.
No refunds will be provided after 14 days following the day you sign up for the course. All refunds are discretionary, and eligibility is determined only after all requested items are submitted to our support team.
If you opted for a payment plan and you do not request a refund by the end of the 14th day, you are required to complete the remaining payments of your payment plan according to our 1 payment per month schedule.
Along with your written refund request within the 14 day period, you must submit the following:
A copy of all your completed worksheets and exercises. This includes:
- Identify Your Why worksheet
- Stocks to Start With worksheets
- Stock Market Seasons worksheet
- Candlestick worksheet
- Indicators worksheet
- Screenshot of stock list comment on blog
- Screenshot of charts set up in TradeKing
Deciding after you purchase that you can no longer afford the payments, do not want to do the work, or don’t want to trade or invest anymore does not earn a refund. No exceptions will be made.
This refund policy is designed to give you 14 days to try the system, get acquainted, and learn! If you do the work, put in your best effort, and feel that we haven’t delivered on our Invest Ed promise, we will issue a 100% refund.
We ask for the above evidence as we only want students who are willing to be present in the course and actually do the work. We are giving our 100% effort to provide the best and most effective learning environment possible, and want our students to have the same high standard. You owe it to yourself to give it your best!